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At Rutland House, we want to make sure that our residents are living their most functional lives possible.

While everyone has their own ability level, with some unable to do the things they used to, others are still capable of much. Hence, we offer a range of meaningful activity programmes that are organised to suit all.

Varied and Engaging Activity List

We take pride in offering our residents a varied and engaging lifestyle programme that keeps everyone enjoying life in an active and fulfilling way. Our full range of activities covers simple exercise that helps our residents to move in ways they’re able to, to arts and crafts that get the brain going. 

The Benefits of Activities

At Rutland House, we believe in the power of keeping people of all ages and abilities active. There is a good reason for this though, as research has proven that exercise helps to prevent or reduce the risk of disease, lower the chance of falls, as well as helps with mental health. Also, it’s an incredible way of forging and strengthening social ties between people – something that the residents at Rutland House thrive on.

Confidence and Independence

Partaking in these carefully designed activities helps to give our residents a sense of independence and confidence they may have struggled to find away from our care.


Whether you have any questions about Rutland House and wish to speak to someone, or wish to book a visit to see for yourself, contact us today at Rutland House and speak to one of our team today.